
Winter Term 2008/2009

Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (2 VL + 2 UE, Bimber)
VL: Tuesday, 15:30-17:00, HS C (ZHG),
UE: Tuesday, 13:45-15:15, LG1c/300a.

Key words: 1. Introduction into Graphics, 2. Transformations and Projections (Transformation Pipeline), 3. Raster Algorithms and Depth Handling, 4. Local Shading and Illumination, 5. Texturemapping (+Bump-, Reflection-, Environment-, Shadowmapping, etc.), 6. Global Illumination I: Raytracing, 7. Global Illumination II: Radiosity, 8. Graphics Pipelines (Fixed Function and Programmable), 9. Scenegraphs (Local and Distributed), 10. Curves and Surfaces (Bezier, Splines, Nurbs, etc.), 11. Basics of Animation, 12. Human Vision and Conventional Display Technology.
Bachelor courses IMT and Computer Science, Diploma course Computer Science (until 5th semester), facultatively also as a supplementary offer for studies in engineering.

Selected chapters from Computer Graphics (2 VL + 2 UE, Bimber)
VL: Wednesday, 09:15-10:45, SR 1 (ZHG),
UE: Wednesday, 07:30-09:00, HG 0.20.

Key words: 1. Introduction into Advanced Graphics Concepts, 2. Light-Transport (general transport equation, BRDF, radiometry / photometry, etc), 3. Colorimetry and Color Spaces, 4. Low-Dynamic Range vs. High-Dynamic Range Visualization (Capturing and Rendering, Tone-Mapping, Inverse Tone-mapping, etc.), 5. Volume Rendering and Point-Based Rendering, 6. 3D Scene Acquisition (geometry scanning, structured light, scanning photometric / radiometric parameters, scanning BRDF, scanning motion, etc.), 7. Image-Based Rendering and Re-Lighting (Lightfields, etc.), 8. Advanced Recording Technology (Computational Photography Techniques), 9. Advanced Display Technology (Computer Generated Holograms, Lightfield Display, Volumetric Displays, Autostereoscopic Displays, HDR Displays, etc.), 10. GPGPU (Equation System, Computer Vision, etc. on GPU), 11. Digital Video Composition Techniques (Difference Keying, Environment Matting, Matchmoving, etc.), 12. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (Approaches and Applications).
Master courses IMT and Computer Science, Diploma course Computer Science (higher semesters), facultatively also as a supplementary offer for studies in engineering.



Lectures in recent semester terms

Summer term 2008
Winter term 2007/2008
Summer term 2007
Winter term 2006/2007
Summer term 2006
Winter term 2005/2006
Summer term 2005
Winter term 2004/2005
Summer term 2004
Winter term 2003/2004
Summer term 2003
Winter term 2002/2003
Summer term 2002
Winter term 2001/2002

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Last Modifications: November 17, 2009.