
Summer Term 2002

Image analysis and image understanding (2 Lectures + 2 Exercises, Kurth)
Lectures: Wednesday, 15:30-17:00, SR1
Exercises: Monday, 17:30-19:00, SR1

Keywords: Perception and cognitive psychology; point operations, folding, local window operations, morphological operations, Fourier transformation, wavelets; segmentation procedures, matching, classification; knowledge representation for image understanding; neural networks; analysis of stereo images, analysis of frame sequences.

Ethical aspects of computer science (2 Seminar lessons (PS), Kurth)
Tuesday, 15:30-17:00, EH/006

Furter information and detailed plan of topics (in German)

Keywords: Informational self-determination, protection of privacy; misuse of the internet, computer viruses; computer science and armament, cyberwar, hackers; illegal use of software; ethical aspects of the open source movement.

Algorithming and programming (2 Lectures + 2 Exercises + 2 Practical units; Kurth, Claus, Roth)
Lectures: Thursday, 17:30-19:00, HS C
+ Exercises and practical units

Keywords: Structure and use of the PC, file management, memory and internal information representation, instruction structure, fundamentals of procedural programming, basic techniques of software development, programming paradigms and programming languages, data structures, functions, transfer of parameters to functions, recursion, global and local variables, text files and binary files, searching and sorting, graphs, trees.

Exercises "Operating systems and networks for engineers" (2 UE, Mangoldt)
Thursday, 13:45-15:15, EH/004, and alternatively 15:30-17:00, EH/006

Important informations concerning inscription for examens in IMT studies (in German)


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Last Modifications: November 12, 2002