
Winter Term 2006/2007

Foundations of Computer Graphics (2 VL + 2 UE, Kurth / Roth)
Lectures: Thursday, 11:30-13:00, HS 2 (LG 1A),
Exercises: Thursday, 07:30-09:00, HS B.

Keywords: Basic knowledge about colour, graphical output devices, important algorithms of line graphics, representation of curves and surfaces, object transformations and projections, models of 3D objects, foundations of lighting calculation, approach towards interactive and constructive computer graphics, construction at the screen, performance of construction software; example software: AutoCAD, Maya; basics of Java 3D.
Bachelor courses IMT and Computer Science, diploma course Computer Science (up to 5th semester), facultatively also as a complementary offer for students of the engineering courses.

Foundations of Data Mining (2 Lectures, Kurth)
Tuesday, 15:30-17:00, EH 214

Under "Data Mining" we subsume methods for the automatic recognition of patterns in large collections of data (e.g. data bases of complete enterprises, sensor data, network transfer data). For these methods, foundations from statistics, algebra and Artificial Intelligence will be provided. Keywords: Generalization semiorder, Construction of decision trees, Bayes classification, association rules, concept lattices, cluster analysis, text and web mining.
Diploma, Bachelor and Master courses Computer Science and IMT (focus Foundations of computer science).

Project studies computer graphics and software technology (average: 2 VL + 2 SE + 4 PR, Kurth / Lewerentz / Kniemeyer /Mangoldt / Damm / Noack)
Monday, 13:45-15:15, EH 001,
Tuesday, 11:30-13:00, EH 001,
Wednesday, 15:30-17:00, EH 001,
Thursday, 9:15-10:45, EH 001.

Project teams with 5-6 participants each work on one of the computer graphics topics listed below. In the lessons and seminars which are mandatory for all participants, instructors and co-workers give the necessary professional knowledge from computer graphics and deepening knowledge from software technology. Furthermore, these times of presence serve for knowledge transfer between the project groups by means of students' presentations. In the practical part, each team designs and implements a software system. The process of development will have two phases: 1. Development of a preliminary system with restricted functionality, 2. further development to the final product. At the end of the first phase a series of mutual evaluation, tests and proposals for redesign will take place. At the end of the second phase, there will be tests again and a presentation of the project in a talk with the team (exam).
Topic 1: Interactive modelling environment for surfaces in 3D,
Topic 2: Rendering tool based on various illumination models,
Topic 3: Toolbox for procedural, fractal (2D) image generation techniques with possibility of animation.
Subjects from the field of software technology which will be deepened in seminars and instructors' presentations and which are relevant for the projects are: Systematic problem analysis, software architectures, object oriented design (particularly, design patterns), version management and configuration management, quality models for oo architectures and programmes, reviews, reengineering and refactoring.
Conditions for obtaining the certificate: 1. A seminar presentation and corresponding web documents, 2. Development (team-based) of a software corresponding to one of the topics 1, 2, 3 above, 3. oral exam.
Diploma and Master courses Computer Science and IMT (focus Practical computer science). Prerequisites: Linear algebra, discrete mathematics, computer science I and II, software practicum, software technology I, foundations of computer graphics (the latter can also be attended in parallel).

Pattern recognition with syntactic and graph-based methods (2 SE, Kurth / Mangoldt)
Wednesday, 17:30-19:00, EH 214

Selected, recent texts about image segmentation and pattern recognition and about methods of evaluation of 3D data with applications in object recognition and virtual reconstruction of scenes shall be presented. A special focus is on methods where the structure of the patterns to be found is described with the help of formal languages or with graph-theoretic approaches.
Diploma, Bachelor and Master courses Computer Science and IMT (Focus Practical Computer Science).

Artificial growth processes (2 SE, Barczik / Hemmerling / Kurth / Bischof)
Wednesday, 09:15-10:45, LG 2D, R207

Seminar in the field of architecture, where methods of formal generation of 3D structures with grammars will be experimentally applied to processes of architectural design.
For students of architecture; for students of computer science only facultatively and only if there are still vacant places.

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Last Modifications: March 22, 2006