
Summer Term 2006

Image analysis and image understanding (2 lectures + 2 exercises, Kurth / Mangoldt)
Lectures: Thursday, 15:30-17:00, EH 214,
Exercises: Thursday, 07:30-09:00, EH 213.

Keywords: Perception and cognitive psychology; point operations, folding, local window operations, morphological operations, Fourier transformation, wavelets; segmentation procedures, matching, classification; knowledge representation for image understanding; neural networks; analysis of stereo images, analysis of frame sequences. Courses Computer Science (diploma und B.Sc./M.Sc.; direction "Practical Computer Science") and IMT.

Algorithmic Geometry (2 lectures; Kurth)
Lectures: Wednesday, 09:15-10:45, EH 214.

Keywords: Foundations from topology and graph theory; geometrical data structures; convex hull, triangulation of polygons, construction of the visibility polygon; Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulation; minimum spanning tree, Kruskal's algorithm; convex distance functions; motion planning for robots under incomplete information. Course Computer Science (diploma and M.Sc.) (Direction: Foundations of Computer Science).

Foundations of digital printing (1 VL + 1 UE, Kurth / Mangoldt)
Monday, 11:30-13:00, EH 001

Development trends and structures in the print media industry; fonts, techniques for preparation for printing, colour spaces, colour management; reproduction technique; software in the preparation for printing; scan process, digital cameras, workflow systems; CD and DVD technique, data archiving; printing methods; cost calculation; supplementary processing techniques. Course: IMT.

Data analysis and visualization in bioinformatics (2 PR, Kurth / Buck-Sorlin / Kniemeyer)
Monday, 17:30-19:00, EH 214

After an intensive short course concerning foundations of bioinformatics the participants will have the opportunity to work at typical tasks of analysis and visualization in small, competently supervised projects: Pattern matching in DNA sequences, graph-theoretical analysis of metabolic networks, modelling morphology and genetics of an agrarian crop plant with graph grammmars, simulated evolution, visualization of genetic marker maps, fractal dimension analysis, visualization of macromolecules, and other topics for choice. Courses Computer Science (diploma and M.Sc.; direction "practical computer science") and IMT.

Ethical aspects of information processing (2 PS, Kurth)
Tuesday, 15:30-17:00, EH 214

Keywords: Values and norms in information technology, illegal use of software, new media legislation in Germany, ethical aspects of the open source movement, informational self-determination, protection of privacy; dangers of the RFID technology, misuse of the internet, computer viruses, the spam problem, computer science and armament, information warfare, hackers, violence in computer games. Course: Computer Science (B.Sc. and diploma - first semesters).


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Last Modifications: September 26, 2006