
Winter Term 2002/2003

Computer Graphics (4 Lectures + 2 Exercises, Kurth / Mangoldt)
Lectures: Wednesday, 11:30-13:00, Audimax 1, and Thursday, 17:30-19:00, GH
Exercises: Wednesday, 17:30-19:00, HS C

Keywords: Foundations of visual perception, colour, 2D lines, filling, clipping, grey tone methods, antialiasing, 2D image data formats, PostScript language; ways of representing 3D objects, VRML; topological characterisations, Euler operations; geometry, homogeneous coordinates, vector transformations and clipping in 3D, determination of visible surfaces, reflection models, shading methods; triangulation; descriptions of curves and curved surfaces: Bezier and B spline curves, interpolation, patches; raytracing, radiosity; texture mapping, fractals, grammars; Java 3D; image enhancement; animation.

Artificial Life (2 Lectures; Kurth)
Lectures: Monday, 09:15-10:45, EH/214

Keywords: Fundamentals in evolution biology, genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, classical ALife systems (Cellular Automata, Tierra, Animates), measures of diversity and complexity, Boolean networks, "edge of chaos" principle; reproduction of real evolution trends (example: early land plants); multiagent paradigm, fundamentals of socionics.

Evaluation of 3D data (2 Seminar lessons (S), Kurth)
Tuesday, 17:30-19:00, EH/214

Selected recent texts concerning stereography and AI methods for 3D data evaluation with applications in the virtual reconstruction of scenes will be read and discussed.

Interactive Graphics (1 Lecture + 1 Exercise, Roth)
Lectures and Exercises: Tuesday, 07:30-09:00, EH/214

Keywords: Basic concepts of interactive graphics for computer scientists and engineers, special input techniques, internal representation of geometric data, construction at the screen, performance of construction software; example software packages: Java3D, AutoCAD.


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Last Modifications: April 1, 2003