
Winter Term 2003/2004

Computer Graphics (4 Lectures + 2 Exercises, Kurth / Mangoldt)
Lectures: Wednesday, 11:30-13:00, Audimax 1, and Thursday, 17:30-19:00, GH
Exercises: Wednesday, 17:30-19:00, HS C

Keywords: Foundations of visual perception, colour, 2D lines, filling, clipping, grey tone methods, antialiasing, 2D image data formats, PostScript language; ways of representing 3D objects, VRML; topological characterisations, Euler operations; geometry, homogeneous coordinates, vector transformations and clipping in 3D, determination of visible surfaces, reflection models, shading methods; triangulation; descriptions of curves and curved surfaces: Bezier and B spline curves, interpolation, patches; raytracing, radiosity; texture mapping, fractals, grammars; Java 3D; image enhancement; animation.

Ethical aspects of computer science (2 Seminar lessons (PS), Kurth)
Tuesday, 17:30-19:00, EH/214

Keywords: Illegal use of software, new media legislation in Germany, ethical aspects of the open source movement, cultural aspects of operating systems, informational self-determination, protection of privacy; misuse of the internet, computer viruses; computer science and armament, information warfare, hackers.

Interactive Graphics (1 Lecture + 1 Exercise, Roth)
Lectures and Exercises: Tuesday, 07:30-09:00, EH/214

Keywords: Basic concepts of interactive graphics for computer scientists and engineers, special input techniques, internal representation of geometric data, construction at the screen, performance of construction software; example software packages: Java3D, AutoCAD, Maya.

Algorithming and Programming (2 Lectures + 2 Exercises + 2 Practical units; Kurth, Claus, Roth)
Lectures: Tuesday, 11:30-13:00, Audimax 2
+ Exercises and practical units

Information concerning the start of the courses

Keywords: Structure and use of the PC, file management, memory and internal information representation, instruction structure, fundamentals of procedural programming, basic techniques of software development, programming paradigms and programming languages, data structures, functions, transfer of parameters to functions, recursion, global and local variables, text files and binary files, searching and sorting, graphs, trees.


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Last Modifications: April 5, 2004