
Winter Term 2007/2008

Foundations of Computer Graphics (2 VL + 2 UE, Kurth / Roth)
Lectures: Thursday, 11:30-13:00, HS 2 (LG 1A),
Exercises: Thursday, 07:30-09:00, HS B.

Keywords: Basic knowledge about colour, graphical output devices, important algorithms of line graphics, representation of curves and surfaces, object transformations and projections, models of 3D objects, foundations of lighting calculation, approach towards interactive and constructive computer graphics, construction at the screen, performance of construction software; example software: AutoCAD, Maya; basics of Java 3D.
Bachelor courses IMT and Computer Science, diploma course Computer Science (up to 5th semester), facultatively also as a complementary offer for students of the engineering courses.

Ethical aspects of information processing (2 PS, Kurth)
Tuesday, 17:30-19:00, EH 214
, Start: October 23, 2007.

Keywords: Basic questions of ethics under the conditions of globalization, values and norms in information technology, illegal use of software, new media legislation in Germany, ethical aspects of the open source movement, computer addiction, informational self-determination, protection of privacy, hidden online investigations by authorities, dangers of the RFID technology, misuse of the internet, computer viruses, the spam problem, computer science and armament, information warfare, violence in computer games, ethical problems of the Web 2.0. Course: Computer Science (B.Sc. and diploma - first semesters).

Introduction to Programming (2 Lectures + 2 Exercises + 2 Practical units; Kurth, Roth, Köhler, Emelianov)
Lectures: Tuesday, 11:30-13:00, Audimax 2
+ Exercises and practical units

Keywords: Structure and use of the PC, file management, memory and internal information representation, instruction structure, fundamentals of procedural programming, basic techniques of software development, programming paradigms and programming languages, data structures, functions, transfer of parameters to functions, recursion, global and local variables, text files and binary files, searching and sorting, graphs, trees.

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Last Modifications: April 1st, 2008