
Summer Term 2007

Image analysis and image understanding (2 lectures + 2 exercises, Kurth / Hemmerling)
Lectures: Tuesday, 11:30-13:00, EH 214,
Exercises: Thursday, 07:30-09:00, EH 213.

Keywords: Perception and cognitive psychology; point operations, folding, local window operations, morphological operations, Fourier transformation, wavelets; segmentation procedures, matching, classification; knowledge representation for image understanding; neural networks; analysis of stereo images, analysis of frame sequences. Courses Computer Science (diploma und B.Sc./M.Sc.; direction "Practical Computer Science") and IMT; also for Economic Engineering (Wirtschaftsinformatik).

Visualization (2 VL; Kurth)
Lectures: Wednesday, 09:15-10:45, EH 214.

Keywords: Topic of the lectures is the visual representation of data from simulations and measurements in the fields of science, medicine and engineering. Contents: Aims of visualization and quality criteria, foundations of visual perception, data structures, basic algorithms (isolines, colour maps, interpolation, approximation), direct and indirect visualization of volume data, visualization of multiparameter data, fluid visualization, information visualization. Courses Computer Science (diploma and B.Sc./M.Sc.; direction Practical Computer Science) and IMT.

Artificial Life (2 VL; Kurth)
Lectures: Tuesday, 15:30-17:00, EH 214

Keywords: Models of morphogenesis, fundamental biological knowledge about evolution, genetic algorithms, reproduction, computer viruses, classical AL systems (CA systems, Tierra, Avida, animates), measures of diversity and complexity, boolean networks, "edge of chaos" principle; reproduction of real evolutionary trends (example of early land plants); coevolution, multiagent paradigm, cooperation, networks. Diploma, Bachelor and Master courses in Computer Science (direction Practical Computer Science).

Foundations of digital printing (1 VL + 1 UE, Kurth / Mangoldt)
Monday, 11:30-13:00, EH 001

Development trends and structures in the print media industry; fonts, techniques for preparation for printing, colour spaces, colour management; reproduction technique; software in the preparation for printing; scan process, digital cameras, workflow systems; CD and DVD technique, data archiving; printing methods; cost calculation; supplementary processing techniques. Course: IMT.

Rule-based programming with XL (2 PR, Kurth / Hemmerling)
Monday, 09:15-10:45, EH 213

After an intensive introduction into the programming language XL, which combines Java with possibilities of graph transformation and thus links the rule-based with the object-oriented and imperative paradigm, the participants will (under supervision) implement diverse well-known algorithms, especially from graph theory and geometry, by using the rule-based constructions from XL. These small projects, which are to be done in teams, will serve also for the evaluation of XL and for the development of improvement proposals for language design. For each implementation we expect a documentation, an evaluation report and a final presentation. The participants should try to become acquainted with the (uncommon) rule-based programming paradigm. Diploma, Bachelor and Master courses in Computer Science (direction Practical Computer Science).

Artificial growth processes (2 SE, Barczik / Hemmerling / Kurth)
Thursday, 10:00-12:00, LG 2D

Seminar in the field of architecture, where methods of formal generation of 3D structures with grammars will be experimentally applied to processes of architectural design.
For students of architecture; for students of computer science only facultatively and only if there are still vacant places.

Foundations of computer graphics and fractals (for non-students; Kurth)
Block: September 18-19, 2007, 15:30-19:00, EH213.

1. Two-dimensional graphics:
- lines, polygons, grey levels, colours, splines, Bezier curves
- practical part: graphics programming language PostScript
2. Models of three-dimensional objects and transformations:
- voxel and octree representation, boundary representation, rotations and scalings, scene graph
- Praktischer Teil: Virtual Reality Modelling Language VRML
3. Fractals and rule-based graphics programming:
- the concept of a fractal, Lindenmayer systems, relational growth grammars
- practial part: simple L-systems and software GroIMP.
Costs: 48 Euros.


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Last Modifications: October 2, 2007