
Winter Term 2004/2005

Computer Graphics (4 VL + 2 UE, Kurth / Mangoldt)
Lectures: Wednesday, 11:30-13:00, EH/214, and Thursday, 17:30-19:00, EH/213,
Exercises: Wednesday, 17:30-19:00, EH/001.

Keywords: Basic facts about visual perception, colour, 2D lines, filling, clipping, halftone methods, antialiasing, 2D image data formats, PostScript; types of representation of 3D objects, VRML; topological characterizations, Euler operations; geometry, homogeneous coordinates, vector transformations and clipping in 3D, visible surface determination; representation of curves and curved surfaces: Bézier and B-spline curves, interpolation, patches; fractals, grammars, iterated function systems; reflection models, shading methods, raytracing, radiosity; texture generation and mapping; Java 3D; image enhancement; animation.
Master courses IMT and Computer Science, diploma courses Computer Science (column Practical Computer Science).

Foundations of Computer Graphics (2 VL + 2 UE, Kurth / Roth)
Lectures: Thursday, 11:30-13:00, SR 3,
Exercises: Thursday, 07:30-09:00, HS B.

Keywords: Basic knowledge about colour, graphical output devices, important algorithms of line graphics, representation of curves and surfaces, object transformations and projections, models of 3D objects, foundations of lighting calculation, approach towards interactive and constructive computer graphics, construction at the screen, performance of construction software; example software: AutoCAD, Maya; basics of Java 3D.
Bachelor courses IMT and Computer Science, facultatively also as a complementary offer for students of the engineering courses.

Computer Science (2 VL + 2 UE, Kurth / Noack)
Lectures: Tuesday, 07:30-09:00, SR 3 (Start October 19),
Exercises: Friday, 07:30-09:00, EH/213 and EH/215 (Start October 29).

Keywords: Number systems, structure and function of computers, Boolean algebra, propositional logic, programming languages, syntax descriptions, foundations of programming, design and complexity of algorithms, databases, foundations of software engineering - see schedule. (Main audience: Students in "Environmental and Resource Management" Bachelor course.)
Lectures and exercises will be held in English.

Please note: As a recommended complement to the lectures "Computer Graphics" und "Foundations of Computer Graphics", Dr. Reder (Fakultät 2) offers in this winter term:
Introduction to visualization with Cinema4D (LV 220103, SE/UE, Monday, 13:45-15:15, LG2/100: in the "Architektur-Computerlabor" (ACL), former Aula in the "Zwischenbau" of LG 2a/b).

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Last Modifications: February 23, 2005