Lectures "Computer Science"

Prof. Dr. W. Kurth

Winter term 2004/2005, Tuesday, 7:30-9:00am, room SR3




19. 10.

Introduction; information, codes, number systems

26. 10.

Number systems, representation of information, redundancy

  2. 11.

Computer architecture, hardware

12. 11.

Operating systems, programming languages, paradigms of programming

16. 11.

Paradigms of programming, operator notations; propositional logic and Boolean algebra

23. 11.

From problem to programme; simple Java programmes (1)

30. 11.

Simple Java programmes (2)

  7. 12.

Simple Java programmes (3), time complexity of algorithms (1)

14. 12.

Time complexity of algorithms (2)

11. 1. 2005

Basic algorithmic strategies and examples; image processing

18. 1.

Databases (1)

25. 1.

Databases (2); Geographical Information Systems

  1. 2.

The World-Wide Web; automata and languages

  8. 2.

Cellular automata, grammars, L-systems; ethical aspects of information processing, Open Source

17. 2.

Written examination

 last modifications: February 1st, 2005.

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