:::::: Web Links

Forum Kriegsenkel (Forum for War's Grandchildren)

kriegsenkel.de (German Association Kriegsenkel e.V.)

Facebook page of Kriegsenkel e.V.

Austrian platform for War's Grandchildren

War's Grandchildren Dortmund

Grandchildren of War Essen

Grandchildren of War Munich


Sabine Bode

Anne-Ev Ustorf

Bettina Alberti

Alexandra Senfft

Joachim Süß

Gabriele Lorenz-Rogler

Silke Weyergraf

Therapists / spiritual welfare workers who are open-minded concerning the topic:

Peter Marx

Bettina Alberti

Ingrid Meyer-Legrand

Gabriele Baring

Iris Wangermann

Maja Glozober


Nicole Saathoff


Andreas Bohnenstengel

Contribution for discussion:

Joachim Süss: Quo vadis Grandchildren of War? (in German)

Recent media contributions:

Claudia Keller: And suddenly I have an elder brother (in German). Chrismon, 6/2016, S. 34-38.

Sabine Rennefanz: Grandmother's wonderland (in German). Berliner Zeitung, 14. 5. 2016, Magazin, S. 1-2.

Sabine Bode: "The trauma is universal" (in German). taz, 24. 11. 2015.

Gabriele Lorenz-Rogler / Ingrid Meyer-Legrand: "Generation Kriegsenkel" (in German). Sein, Nr. 243, Nov. 2015, S. 26-27.

Pete Smith: Pressing heritage of the war generation (in German). ÄzteZeitung, 16. 11. 2015.

Karin Janker: The children of the traumatized ones (in German). Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12. 9. 2015.

Anja Maier: We see each other again (in German). taz, 20. 6. 2015, S. 18-20.

Christine Holch: Father has been in the war - the son too (in German). Chrismon magazine, June, 2015.

The Children of the War Children - The long shadows of bombs and flight (in German). Radio talk (hr2 Camino, 10 May, 2015).

Interview with Sabine Bode (Radio talk in "Deutschlandradio Kultur" (in German), 8 May, 2015).

TV talk War's Grandchildren - How we sense the war until now (in German). (Also here.) Phoenix-Runde, 7 May, 2015.

NDR Info, How children of war children experience their parents (Radio talk, in German, 3 May, 2015, 25 min.; amongst others with Angelika Grabow and Ingrid Meyer-Legrand.)

Leonie Stade and Almut Gronauer: "Generation War's Grandchildren - Was Grandpa a nazi?" (in German; movie, Phoenix TV, 1st May, 2015, 3:15 p.m.).

Moritz Schuller: "Let it be Grass, let it be Peymann: The war generation rules the country." (in German; Der Tagesspiegel, 21 April, 2015, p. 10.)

Gabriele Lorenz-Rogler talking with Ingrid Meyer-Legrand: "Children of war children in therapy" (in German). Familiendynamik, year 40 (2015), issue 1, pp. 56-60.

Monika Weidlich: Talk "War's Grandchildren" on the Second Trauerkongress Schnega
...and from the same author: Talk "Synergetics" on the Second Trauerkongress Schnega (both in German).

"Grandchildren of war - Inherited wounds" (in German). Frau-TV, WDR 3, 22 January, 2015, 10 p.m.

Matthias Lohre: "The inability to trust." (in German; DIE ZEIT, No. 39, 5. 10. 2014.)

Magazine "info3 Anthroposophie im Dialog", October 2014, cover topic: The Heritage of the War's Grandchildren. The Second World War And Its Effects on the Third Generation. pp. 23ff. Therein:
Walter Seyffer: "Bis ins dritte und vierte Glied". Furthermore: contributions by Ingrid Meyer-Legrand, Michael Schneider and Silke Kirch (in German).

Merle Hilbk and Ines Koenen: Light into the shadow of the past. - TV contribution of German television (ZDF) about the topic "Children of war children" in the series "Mona Lisa" on 11 October, 2013. (no longer online.)

Elena Griepentrog: "Verflucht bis ins vierte Glied?" - Radio talk in "Deutschlandradio" (in German), 3 October, 2013, 7:05 a.m.

"On swaying ground". A generation on the search for traces: A visit at Hanover's forum for War's Grandchildren. (by Veronika Thomas; in German; HAZ, 5 July, 2013).

"The trauma gets herited" (in German; ZEIT online / culture / film and tv, 6 May, 2013).

Monika Weidlich's Grandchildren of war page (in German).

Wikipedia page:

Kriegsenkel (War's grandchildren; in German)

Facebook page:



Andreas Süskow: Song "Kriegsenkel" (2013).

Projects / studies:

The project "Workgroups about subsequent generations" of the Federal Association on information and consulting for people persecuted by the NS regime is going to establish two workgroups in the fields of psychosocial issues and political education. One aim is the building of networks among experts from science and practice on these topics. The project is funded by the German Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" and the Ministry for the Exterior.

Doctoral dissertation by Dr. Annedore Schiffer, TU Dortmund: Subjektive und gesellschaftliche Aspekte von Traumatisierungsprozessen in Bezug auf die NS-Zeit. Eine Studie zum transgenerationalen Psychotrauma in Bezug auf die NS-Zeit und den Zweiten Weltkrieg. (in German; Dortmund 2014).

Study by Dr. Muhtz at University Hospital Eppendorf, Hamburg: "Long-term consequences of flight and deportation" (in German), resulting from this study: article Glaesmer et al. 2011 (abstract).

Study by the University of Leipzig: "Sick from late effects of World War II" (in German).

Study about the Hamburg firestorm:
Lamparter, Ulrich; Wiegand-Grefe, Silke; Wierling, Dorothee (eds.): Zeitzeugen des Hamburger Feuersturms 1943 und ihre Familien. Forschungsprojekt zur Weitergabe von Kriegserfahrungen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2013. 384 pp. ISBN 978-3-525-45378-0.

Former events:

Autumn Conference 2012 of "Kriegsenkel e.V." in Schnakenbek, 3 November, 2012

Joachim Süss: Die zerbrochenen Fundamente als Last auf der Seele. Thüringer Landeszeitung, 3. 12. 2012 ( = Talk by J. Süss at the conference).

Abstracts of the presentations of the congress in Göttingen "Die Kinder der Kriegskinder" (30 March - 1st April, 2012)

Conference proceedings Die Kinder der Kriegskinder und die späten Folgen des NS-Terrors. (editors: Knoch, Heike; Kurth, Winfried; Reiß, Heinrich J.; Egloff, Götz.) Jahrbuch für psychohistorische Forschung, Bd. 13, Mattes, Heidelberg 2012.

Presentation by Gerhard Roese on this congress
Contribution to the Proceedings volume by Heike Knoch and Winfried Kurth: "Grandchildren of war - a late awakening?" (in German)

Media reactions on the Göttingen congress:
Jakob Epler: Die Kinder der Kriegskinder. Deutschlandfunk, 5. 4. 2012.
Merle Hilbk: Es geht uns gut. Der Tagesspiegel, 7. 4. 2012.
Dietmar Philipp: Die Leiden der Kriegsenkel / Der Zweite Weltkrieg zieht seine Spuren durch die Generationen - die psychischen Folgen sind längst nicht aufgearbeitet. Märkische Allgemeine, 30. 8. 2012.
Kristin Kunze: Aufgewachsen im Krieg... Göttinger Tageblatt, 3. 4. 2012.
KNA: Enkelgeneration leidet unter Kriegsfolgen. Saarbrücker Zeitung, 29. 3. 2012.

"taz" article by Merle Hilbk: "Das schönste Dorf am schönsten Fluss der Erde" (in German), from 6 April, 2013.

Work against right-wing extremism:

List of initiatives against right-wing extremism in Germany (from the German Wikipedia)

List issued by the "Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung"

Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes / Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten

Peace work:

Bund für soziale Verteidigung

Connection e.V.

Netzwerk Friedenskooperative

Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen

Other organizations:

Gesellschaft für Psychohistorie und politische Psychologie e.V.

"Psychohistory" website by W. Kurth

NS Family History: putting it into question - researching - clarifying (association)

Kriegskinder e.V. - Research Teaching Therapy

kriegskind.de, website of Charlotte and Alf Schönfeldt

Working group for intergenerational effects of the holocaust

Federal Association for information and consulting for people persecuted by the NS regime

Foundation Werkgroep Herkenning (SVH) for descendants of people who were on the side of the occupying forces in the Netherlands in the years between 1940 and 1945

Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities (PCCA)

NetzwerkB (network of victims of sexualized violence)

To the Sandkrughof
Last modifications: 19 February, 2021.