:::::: Welcome!

You are on the web site "kriegsenkel.eu", a service place for the children of the children of war, which is administered by Heike Knoch and Winfried Kurth.

This web site exists since 2012. It was launched by us when we organized the first congress on children of war children at the University of Göttingen.

Until 2015 this site served also as web site of the association "Kriegsenkel e.V.". Since the beginning of 2016, the association manages its own web site. We nevertheless maintain our site to be able to give quickly informations on events, to ensure a bilingual web presence for children of war children, and to choose our own priorities.

We organize a bi-monthly discussion forum in Göttingen for children of war children and for people born in the years following WW II.

The conference proceedings for the Göttingen conference "Violence and Trauma - direct and transgenerational effects" is available (see flyer). It can be ordered in every bookstore or directly from the publisher (by sending an e-mail to bestellung (at) mattes.de).

Please notice: Connection initiative by Iris Schulte and Monika Schmelter.

To the Sandkrughof
Last modificatons: 10 February, 2023.
This website is based on a design by Toni Lilienthal.