:::::: Conference

Violence And Trauma:
Direct and transgenerational consequences for individuals, attachments and society
- Grandchildren of war, children from new wars, persons affected by violence in families or institutions -

32nd annual conference of the Society for Psychohistory and Political Psychology (GPPP)
13 - 15 April, 2018, Göttingen (Germany)
co-funded from Alexander Eickhoff's abatement

The conference language will be German.


Trauma and shadow of trauma

Children of war children of World War II, also called "Grandchildren of war", frequently suffer from certain burdens which can partially be traced back to a transgenerational transfer of traumata from the time of the Nazi regime and World War II. Among these burdens are a reversal of roles between parents and children, as well as diffuse feelings of missing a home, being not arrived and not accepted, attachment problems and lacking self-esteem. On a conference with the title "The Children of War Children", which we have organized in Göttingen in 2012, these persons with their secondary traumatizations ("shadow of trauma") stood in the focus. The new conference shall deepen this topic and also broaden it.

Main issues

- Characteristics and consequences of a psychic trauma, its effects on attachment ability, self-esteem, social behaviour, chances in the professional world, suicidal tendencies, delinquency, chronic illnesses etc.

- Relationships between traumatization of children and insecure or disorganized patterns of attachment, effects on attachment in the adult livetime

- Experiences of violence and trauma in the GDR and their effects

- Societal and political effects of the secondary traumata of the children of World-War-II war children ("Grandchildren-of-war" generation), their early-trained role reversal against elders and their syndrome of deficiency (w.r.t. early emotional care)

- Which traumatizations came upon today's refugees, who seek shelter and a perspective for life in Europe, and how can we - based on our own historical experience - encounter them with support and empathy? How do we deal with our own resistances and anxieties when the confrontation with the currently traumatized people brings up the repressed from our own family history?

- Since 2010 the "misuse scandal", the widespread enacting of sexualized violence against children and youth, has caused headlines in the media again and again. Why did so many victims not talk earlier than now? Is there a connection to the simultaneous coming-to-consciousness of the trauma history of the war-childrens' children? Is the sexual exploitation of the younger victims simply the extreme form of the utilization of their life energy by psychically early-blocked elders - a sick constellation which is present in many families with a traumatic past?

- How does the "emotional history" of your parents and grandparents shape our own feeling and reasoning?

- How act split-off trauma shadows from childhood further within us and seduce us to irrational agitation, also on the political level - an acting of the "Stranger within us" (Arno Gruen)?


Conference programme

Friday, April 13, 2018

16:00 Heike Knoch and Winfried Kurth
Welcome address and Introduction (in German language)

16:05 Kris Hauf
Sabine Behrens (1951-2015)

16:20 Hanna Rochlitz
Alexander Eickhoff (1972-2016)

16:35 Heinrich Reiß
Welcome address in behalf of GPPP

16:45 Winfried Kurth und Heike Knoch
"Gesellschaftliche Wirkungen des Sekundärtraumas, oder: Warum die Kriegsenkel so wenig öffentlich präsent sind"

17:45 Break

18:00 Hartmut Radebold
"Spurensuche eines Kriegskindes" (Reading) (till ca. 19:30)

Saturday, April 14, 2018

09:00 Ines Geipel
"Die Unmöglichkeit zu trauern. Warum sich der Osten nicht von seiner Gewalt lösen kann"

10:00 Andreas Huckele
"Sexualisierte Gewalt als Kulturphänomen – Von der Tragödie zum Drama"

10:45 Break

11:00 Ulrich Lamparter
"Seelische Folgen des 'Hamburger Feuersturms' (1943) durch die Generationen. Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse aus einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt"

12:00 Angela Moré
"Traumatische Verstrickungen zwischen Generationen. Das unbewusste Erbe von Kriegs- und Täterenkeln im interkulturellen Vergleich"

12:45 Lunch break

14:00 Thorsten Heese
"Kommunikativ erinnern. Kollektive Arbeit mit Kriegskindern und Kriegsenkeln im Museumsquartier Osnabrück"

14:45 Göttinger Gesprächskreis
Autobiografische Podiumsrunde über die Folgen der NS-Zeit und des Zweiten Weltkriegs für die Kriegsenkel

15:45 Break

16:15 Christoph und Gundel Seidler
"Spuren des Krieges führen bis ins dritte Glied. Ist dann endlich Schluss?"

17:15 Uwe Langendorf
"Straßenbahn zum Sultanspalast. Machtkonzentration und Restitution als Traumabewältigung am Beispiel der Türkei"

18:00 Break

18:15 Assembly of GPPP members

Sunday, April 15, 2018

09:00 Thomas Nowotny
"Unbegleitete Minderjährige: Weiter im Fluchtmodus?"

10:00 Sabine Schrader
"Inner Safety – ein Projekt zur Hilfe bei der Erhaltung bzw. Wiederherstellung der inneren Sicherheit für Menschen"

10:45 Break

11:00 Michaela Huber
"Schweigen, Wiederholen, Reinszenieren: Wie unverarbeitete Traumatisierungen weiterwirken"

12:00 Ludwig Janus
"Psychohistorische Überlegungen zur Herausentwicklung aus dem Schlachthaus der Geschichte"

12:45 Final words by the organizers and final discussion (end ca. at 13:00)

Scientific supervision and organization
Heike Knoch and Winfried Kurth
Herzberger Landstr. 85, 37085 Göttingen, Germany
E-mail wk(at)informatik.uni-goettingen.de

University of Göttingen
Congress center at Wilhelmsplatz
Adam-von-Trott room, Wilhelmsplatz 2, Göttingen (city)

Certification for psychotherapists and medical doctors
The conference was accredited by the psychotherapists' board of Lower Saxony (www.pknds.de) as an advanced training course.

until 28 February, 2018:
Conference fee (standard) 60.- Euros
Members of GPPP 50.- Euros
Reduced fee* 25.- Euros
After 28 February and at the conference desk:
Conference fee (standard) 70.- Euros
Members of GPPP 60.- Euros
Reduced fee* 30.- Euros
Half-day 20.- Euros
Half-day (reduced) 10.- Euros
Reading on Friday evening 8.- Euros

* Reduction for students, pupils, unemployed, apprentices and people with low income (below 800 Euros per month).
In the conference fee, catering during the coffee breaks and one lunch buffet are included.

By bank transfer of the conference fee until 28 February, 2018 (at latest) onto the account "Gesellschaft für Psychohistorie und Politische Psychologie (GPPP) e.V.",
IBAN: DE22 6725 0020 0004 2525 78,
BIC: SOLADE21HDB (Sparkasse Heidelberg),
Purpose: Tagung Göttingen 2018,
and additionally written registration, to be sent to:
 Heike Knoch and Winfried Kurth
 Herzberger Landstr. 85, 37085 Göttingen, Germany
 E-mail wk(at)informatik.uni-goettingen.de.

Please notice:
The conference account will not be opened before beginning of December, 2017. Please don't do bank transfers before that date.

Call for Papers (in German)

Announcement flyer for printing (pdf file, in German)


Last modifications: 27 February, 2018.