in cooperation with



Georg-August University of Göttingen

Chair for Computer Graphics and Ecological Informatics

Büsgenweg 4, 37077 Göttingen, Germany



International Summer School

"Modelling and Simulation with GroIMP"


(combined with the fourth GroIMP user and developer meeting

and including a workshop "Rule-based 3-d models of plants and other objects")


partially funded by the German Academic Exchange Service

in the programme "DAAD Ostpartnerschaften"


Announcement: Summer School Modelling and Simulation with GroIMP


Date:              27 September - 1st October 2010


XL and GroIMP tutorial for beginners:                  27 Sept., 9:00 h – 28 Sept., 18:15 h

Workshop:                                                       29 Sept., 9:00 h – 18:15 h

Tutorial for advanced XL and GroIMP users:        30 Sept., 9:00 h – 1st Oct., 12:00 h


                        GroIMP user and developer meeting:                  30 Sept., 13:30 h – 14:00 h



Accommodation in Göttingen can be found under



Monday, 27 Sept. 2010


9:00     Opening, Introduction

9:15     W. Kurth: Introduction to rule-based programming, L-systems and XL

10:15   Coffee break

10:30   W. Kurth: Some basic examples in XL (part 1) (Example files)

11:15   Simple branched structures modelled with XL (team work)

12:00   Lunch


13:30   W. Kurth: Basic examples in XL (part 2)

14:30   R. Hemmerling and K. Smoleňová: How to model a daisy in 1/2 hour (Example file)

15:00   Simple rendered plants modelled with XL (team work)

15:45   Coffee break

16:15   W. Kurth: Some basic examples in XL (part 3)

17:00   Coffee break  and/or Questions and answers

17:30   M. Henke: A closer look at some examples from the gallery

- ca. 18:30

Tuesday, 28 Sept.


9:00     G. Buck-Sorlin: How to implement a simple FSPM

10:00   W. Kurth: Basic examples in XL (part 4)

10:45   Coffee break

11:15   W. Kurth: Interpretive rules and instantiation rules

11:45   Using instantiation rules (team work)

12:15   Lunch


13:45   W. Kurth: Modelling point patterns, competition and plant-herbivore interaction

14:30   Experiments with point patterns or spreading animals (team work)

15:15   Coffee break

15:45   K. Smoleňová: Modelling morphological features of trees in XL

16:45   R. Hemmerling: Working with graphs containing cycles (Example file)

17:30   Questions and answers, evaluation session of beginners' tutorial

- ca. 18:00


Wednesday, 29 Sept. 2010


Workshop "Rule-based 3-d models of plants and other objects":


9:00     J. Evers: Simulating hormonal regulation of bud break modulated by light quality

9:45     P. Favre: A model of resource allocation in plant growth (presentation)

10:30   Coffee break

11:00   K. Smoleňová and G. Buck-Sorlin: An FSPM of barley including the allocation and effects of carbon, nitrogen and gibberellic acid

12:00   Lunch

13:30   R. van Daelen: A tomato model

14:15   P. de Visser and G. Buck-Sorlin: Testing the effect of different light node types and shaders on the simulation of light absorption and photosynthesis of a tomato crop in a greenhouse setting

15:00   M. Henke: A first step towards a generic FSPM

15:45   Coffee break

16:15   P. Masters and K.-P. Zauner: Robotropism: Distributed Control of Plants

17:00   G. Buck-Sorlin: SIMPLER: An FSPM coupling shoot production and human inter­action with the structure, morphogenesis, photosynthesis and light environment in cut-rose

17:45   All: Conclusions and future projects

- 18:15

19:00   Summer School Dinner


Thursday, 30 Sept.


9:00     R. Hemmerling: A model of a mixed stand, including competition for light

10:00   W. Kurth: Modelling above- and below-ground competition together

10:45   Coffee break

11:15   O. Kniemeyer: The XL plugin for the 3-d modeller Cinema 4D

12:00   Lunch


13:30   GroIMP User and developer meeting

14:00   P. Surovy: Introduction to electromagnetic 3-d digitization

15:15   Coffee break

15:45   R. Hemmerling: How to control parameter values using GroIMP's GUI

16:15   Questions and answers session (plenary)

17:00   Questions and answers team sessions

- ca. 18:00


Friday, 1st October


9:15     G. Buck-Sorlin: Large functional-structural crop models in XL. Design – maintenance – pitfalls

10:15   Coffee break

10:45   R. Hemmerling: Tracking the solution of an ODE using monitor functions

11:45   Evaluation session of advanced tutorial

- 12:00