Georg-August University of Göttingen Chair for
Computer Graphics and Ecological Informatics Büsgenweg
4, 37077 Göttingen, Germany http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/67072.html |
(combined with the fourth GroIMP user and developer meeting
and including a workshop "Rule-based 3-d models of plants and other
partially funded by the German Academic Exchange
in the programme
"DAAD Ostpartnerschaften"
Announcement: Summer
School Modelling and Simulation with GroIMP
XL and GroIMP
tutorial for beginners: 27
Sept., 9:00 h – 28 Sept., 18:15 h
Workshop: 29
Sept., 9:00 h – 18:15 h
Tutorial for
advanced XL and GroIMP users: 30
Sept., 9:00 h – 1st Oct., 12:00 h
GroIMP user
and developer meeting: 30 Sept., 13:30 h – 14:00 h
Accommodation in Göttingen can be found under
Monday, 27 Sept. 2010
9:00 Opening,
9:15 W.
Kurth: Introduction to rule-based programming,
L-systems and XL
10:15 Coffee break
10:30 W. Kurth:
Some basic examples in XL (part 1) (Example files)
11:15 Simple
branched structures modelled with XL (team work)
12:00 Lunch
13:30 W. Kurth:
Basic examples in XL (part 2)
14:30 R. Hemmerling
and K. Smoleňová: How to model a daisy in 1/2 hour
(Example file)
15:00 Simple
rendered plants modelled with XL (team work)
15:45 Coffee break
16:15 W. Kurth:
Some basic examples in XL (part 3)
17:00 Coffee break and/or Questions and answers
17:30 M. Henke:
A closer look at some examples from the grogra.de
- ca. 18:30
Tuesday, 28 Sept.
9:00 G.
Buck-Sorlin: How to implement a simple FSPM
10:00 W. Kurth:
Basic examples in XL (part 4)
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 W. Kurth:
Interpretive rules and instantiation rules
11:45 Using
instantiation rules (team work)
12:15 Lunch
13:45 W. Kurth:
Modelling point patterns, competition and
plant-herbivore interaction
14:30 Experiments
with point patterns or spreading animals (team work)
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 K.
Smoleňová: Modelling morphological features of
trees in XL
16:45 R.
Hemmerling: Working with graphs containing cycles (Example
17:30 Questions
and answers, evaluation session of beginners' tutorial
- ca. 18:00
Wednesday, 29 Sept. 2010
"Rule-based 3-d models of plants and other objects":
9:00 J. Evers: Simulating
hormonal regulation of bud break modulated by light quality
9:45 P. Favre: A
model of resource allocation in plant growth (presentation)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 K. Smoleňová and G. Buck-Sorlin: An FSPM of barley including the allocation and effects of
carbon, nitrogen and gibberellic acid
12:00 Lunch
13:30 R. van Daelen: A
tomato model
14:15 P. de Visser and G. Buck-Sorlin: Testing the effect of different light node types and
shaders on the simulation of light absorption and photosynthesis of a tomato
crop in a greenhouse setting
15:00 M. Henke: A first
step towards a generic FSPM
15:45 Coffee
16:15 P. Masters and K.-P. Zauner: Robotropism: Distributed Control of Plants
17:00 G. Buck-Sorlin: SIMPLER:
An FSPM coupling shoot production and human interaction with the structure,
morphogenesis, photosynthesis and light environment in cut-rose
17:45 All:
Conclusions and future projects
- 18:15
19:00 Summer
School Dinner
Thursday, 30 Sept.
9:00 R.
Hemmerling: A model of a mixed stand, including
competition for light
10:00 W. Kurth:
Modelling above- and below-ground competition
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 O.
Kniemeyer: The XL plugin for the 3-d modeller Cinema 4D
12:00 Lunch
13:30 GroIMP
User and developer meeting
14:00 P.
Surovy: Introduction to electromagnetic 3-d digitization
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 R.
Hemmerling: How to control parameter values using GroIMP's GUI
16:15 Questions
and answers session (plenary)
17:00 Questions
and answers team sessions
- ca. 18:00
Friday, 1st October
9:15 G.
Buck-Sorlin: Large functional-structural crop models
in XL. Design – maintenance – pitfalls
10:15 Coffee
10:45 R.
Hemmerling: Tracking the solution of an ODE using
monitor functions
11:45 Evaluation
session of advanced tutorial
- 12:00