Georg-August University

of Göttingen

in cooperation with




Further participating partners:

INRA, UMR AMAP Montpellier

Agrocampus Ouest, Angers

University of Technology at Munich

Mendel University Brno and CzechGlobe

University of Western Hungary Sopron





Summer School






"Modelling of Ecosystems

by Tools from

Computer Science"

Georg-August University Czech University

Göttingen                          of Life Sciences

Chair for Computer Graphics                     Prague

and Ecological Informatics        Faculty of Forestry

http://www.uni-        and Wood Sciences



Technical University in Zvolen

Faculty of Forestry

Department of Forest Management and Geodesy


Cooperation supported by



DAAD project "Ostpartnerschaften"



Erasmus Teaching programme of the EU




combined with the 6th GroIMP user and developer meeting


and with a workshop


"Functional-structural plant models in XL"


Date:              16 - 20 September, 2013


Start:                                                               16 Sept., 9:00 h

End:                                                                20 Sept., ca. 16:00 h


                        Workshop:                                                       17 Sept., 14-17:50 h

                        GroIMP user and developer meeting:                  17 Sept., 17:50-18:30 h


Location:        Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS / ČZU),

                        Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences,

                        Praha-Suchdol, Prague, Czech Republic




A  Introduction to different modelling concepts (M. Fabrika, TU Zvolen; W. Kurth,

     University of Göttingen)

B  Functional-structural plant models and the platform GroIMP

C  Process-based forest models and the software BALANCE (T. Rötzer, TU Munich)

D  Integrative approaches and the platforms Capsis and AmapStudio (F. de Coligny, INRA, Montpellier)

E  Empirically-based forest models and the platform SIBYLA (M. Fabrika, TU Zvolen)



Winfried Kurth, Chair for Computer Graphics and Ecological Informatics, Georg-August University Göttingen

Büsgenweg 4, 37077 Göttingen, Germany.  Tel. +49-551-399715,  Fax -3933465,   E-mail wk(at)


Time schedule


Monday, 16 Sept. 2013


09:00  Opening Addresses

            M. Turčáni (Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, CULS)

                W. Kurth (Univ. Göttingen, Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth)

09:25  M. Fabrika (TU Zvolen) and W. Kurth: Introduction to different modelling concepts

            for plants and ecosystems [part 1 and part 2]

10:15  Coffee break

10:30  W. Kurth (U Göttingen): Introduction to rule-based programming, L-systems and the programming language XL

11:30  (Team session 1) Simple branched structures modelled with XL

12:15  Lunch

13:45  K. Streit and M. Henke (U Göttingen): How to model a daisy in 1/2 hour

14:15  W. Kurth: Basic examples in XL

15:00  (Team session 2) Simple rendered plants modelled with XL

15:30  Coffee break

16:00  M. Henke: An introduction to GroIMP, its web sites and example gallery

16:45  W. Kurth: Programming in XL (part 1)

17:15  (Q & A session 1) Questions and answers, and/or mentoring of individual,

            small projects of participants

(- ca. 18:00)

20:00  Icebreaker


Tuesday, 17 Sept. 2013


09:00  K. Streit: Programming in XL (part 2)

10:00  (Team session 3) Exploring plant structures by queries in XL

10:30  Coffee break

10:45  W. Kurth: Interpretive rules and instantiation rules

11:15  (Team session 4) Using instantiation rules

11:45  K. Streit: Structural factorization

12:15  Lunch

14:00  Workshop "Functional-structural plant models in XL"

            14:00 O. Kniemeyer: Carrots and a vole: Simple interactions between plants and animals

            14:30 G. Buck-Sorlin (Agrocampus Ouest / INRA, Angers): Modelling transport

                        processes between sources and sinks in the apple branch:

                        an application of GroIMP's ODE solver

            15:10  M. Henke: Evaluating energy-efficient lighting strategies using a spectral

                        raytracer and virtual tomato canopies in GroIMP

            15:50  Coffee break

            16:05  K. Streit: Rule-based integration of LIGNUM into GroIMP

            16:45  Y. Ong (U Göttingen): Towards multi-scale modelling with XL

            17:20  C. Stiehm (North-west German Forestry Research Station, Göttingen):

                        Interconnection of an empirical and a structural model for young poplar

17:50  GroIMP User and Developer Meeting

(- ca. 18:30)


Wednesday, 18 Sept. 2013


09:00  K. Streit and Gerhard Buck-Sorlin: How to develop a simple FSPM with GroIMP

10:00  (Team session 5) Extending the simple FSPM

10:30  Coffee break

10:45  W. Kurth and K. Streit: Solving ordinary differential equations in XL

11:30  (Team session 6) ODE examples

12:00  Lunch

13:30  Gerhard Buck-Sorlin: Modelling ecophysiological processes with GroIMP and XL

14:30  W. Kurth: Modelling point patterns, competition and plant-herbivore interaction

15:15  (Team session 7) Experiments with point patterns and spreading animals

15:45  Coffee break

16:15  K. Streit: How to use the XL version of the plant model GreenLab

16:45 (Team session 8) Experiments with GreenLab

17:15  (Q & A session 2) Questions and answers, and/or mentoring of individual,

            small projects of participants   (- ca. 18:00)


Thursday, 19 Sept. 2013


09:00  T. Rötzer (TU Munich): Process-based forest models and the software BALANCE

            – Introduction

At the beginning an introduction to process-based modelling and an overview of existing process-based models is given. The physiological growth model BALANCE will be explained in detail showing processes, principles and functional chains of all modules as well as adaptation and validation re­sults. The application of the model is demonstra­ted by an example. Some further examples give infor­ma­tion on the reaction of forest growth on changed climate conditions, on the relation­ships between carbon dynamics of forest stands and extreme events, as well as on the influence of forest stand structure on productivity and efficiency.

09:45  T. Rötzer: BALANCE (continued)

10:30  Coffee break

10:45  T. Rötzer: BALANCE (continued)

11:30  (Team session) BALANCE

12:30  Lunch

14:00  F. de Coligny (INRA, Montpellier): Integrative approaches and the platforms

            Capsis and AmapStudio - Introduction

Integrative software platforms for empirically-based forest models and for single-plant functional-structural models will be explained and demonstrated. Both platforms have a similar software architecture and are free and open-source. They will also be in­stalled on the students' work­stations during the Summer School.

14:45  F. de Coligny: Capsis - First steps

15:30  Coffee break

16:00  F. de Coligny: Capsis - further features

16:30  F. de Coligny: AmapStudio - an overview

17:00  (Team session) Capsis and AmapStudio  (- ca. 18:00)

19:00  Departure to brewery for Summer School Dinner


Friday, 20 Sept. 2013


09:00  M. Fabrika (TU Zvolen): Empirically-based forest models and the platform SIBYLA

            Principles of empirical models

            Description of the model SIBYLA

            Applications of SIBYLA:

                        Forest structure generation

                        Specification of climate and soil parameters

                        Modelling of thinning

                        Prognosis of forest development regarding site, mortality, management,

                        injurious agents, and natural regeneration

            Interpretation of output: production, biomass, ecology, economy

            Virtual reality features

            Process-oriented and structural downscaling


10:30  Coffee break

10:45  SIBYLA (continued)

12:00  Lunch

13:30  SIBYLA (continued)

14:30  Coffee break

14:45  SIBYLA (continued)

15:30  Final Discussion       ( - 16:00)