
Acquisition and evaluation of 3D data for modelling virtual scenes

Aim is the further development of procedures for matching digital photographs and sensor data and of approaches leading to point reduction, object recognition and object reconstruction. Challenges lie in the matching of partially incomplete or disturbed data sets and in the adequate inclusion of background knowledge in the process of pattern recognition, e.g. when plant objects are to be reconstructed from vegetation photos. Further aims are the improvement of 3D data acquisition techniques with structured light and the development of syntactic pattern recognition techniques for close-range photogrammetry.

Cooperation partners:
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Optical Information Systems, Department for Information Processing for Optical Systems, Dr. Anko Börner, Dr. Martin Scheele, Prof. Dr. Herbert Jahn
University of Göttingen, Albrecht von Haller Institute for Plant Sciences, Department for ecology and ecosystem research, Dr. Stefan Fleck.

Start of project: March 1st, 2002
Duration: 6 years
Funding: University of Technology at Cottbus, Chair for Graphics Systems
This project is carried out by Thomas Mangoldt.

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