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![]() ![]() Publikationen2008Reinhard Hemmerling, Ole Kniemeyer, Dirk Lanwert, Winfried Kurth, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, The rule-based language XL and the modelling environment GroIMP illustrated with simulated tree competition. Functional Plant Biology, 35 (2008), 739-750. Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Reinhard Hemmerling, Ole Kniemeyer, Benno Burema, Winfried Kurth, A rule-based model of barley morphogenesis, with special respect to shading and Gibberellic acid signal transduction. Annals of Botany, 101(8) (2008), 1109-1123. Ole Kniemeyer, Design and Implementation of a Graph Grammar Based Language for Functional-Structural Plant Modelling. Dissertation, Technische Universität Cottbus (2008). [ http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:kobv:co1-opus-5937] (Link auf PDF-Dokument, 13,5 MB) Katarína Smolenová, Reinhard Hemmerling, Growing virtual plants for virtual worlds. In: Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2008, Budmerice (SK), April 21-23, 2008 (ed.: K. Myszkowski), Comenius University Bratislava 2008, 77-84. Thomas Huwe, Reinhard Hemmerling, Stochastic path tracing on consumer graphics cards. In: Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2008, Budmerice (SK), April 21-23, 2008 (ed.: K. Myszkowski), Comenius University Bratislava 2008, 119-125. Ole Kniemeyer, Günter Barczik, Reinhard Hemmerling, Winfried Kurth, Relational Growth Grammars - a parallel graph transformation approach with applications in biology and architecture. In: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance AGTIVE ’07 (eds.: A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf), International Workshop Kassel, Oct. 10-12, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5088, Springer, Berlin etc., 2008, 152-167. Ole Kniemeyer, Winfried Kurth, The modelling platform GroIMP and the programming language XL. In: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance AGTIVE ’07 (eds.: A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf), International Workshop Kassel, Oct. 10-12, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5088, Springer, Berlin etc., 2008, 570-572. Gabriele Taentzer, Enrico Biermann, Dénes Bisztray, Bernd Bohnet, Iovka Boneva, Artur Boronat, Leif Geiger, Robino Geiß, Ákos Horvath, Ole Kniemeyer, Tom Mens, Benjamin Ness, Detlef Plump, Tamás Vajk, Generation of Sierpinski triangles: A case study for graph transformation tools. In: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance AGTIVE ’07 (eds.: A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf), International Workshop Kassel, Oct. 10-12, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5088, Springer, Berlin etc., 2008, 514-539. Arend Rensink, Alexander Dotor, Claudia Ermel, Stefan Jurack, Ole Kniemeyer, Juan de Lara, Sonja Maier, Tom Staijen, Albert Zündorf, Ludo: A case study for graph transformation tools. In: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance AGTIVE ’07 (eds.: A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf), International Workshop Kassel, Oct. 10-12, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5088, Springer, Berlin etc., 2008, 493-513. Dániel Varró, Márk Asztalos, Dénes Bisztray, Artur Boronat, Duc-Hanh Dang, Rubino Geiß, Joel Greenyer, Pieter Van Gorp, Ole Kniemeyer, Anantha Narayanan, Edgars Rencis, Erhard Weinell, Graph transformation tool contest on the transformation of UML models to CSP. In: Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance AGTIVE ’07 (eds.: A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf), International Workshop Kassel, Oct. 10-12, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5088, Springer, Berlin etc., 2008, 540-565. Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Ole Kniemeyer, Winfried Kurth, A model of poplar (Populus sp.) physiology and morphology based on Relational Growth Grammars. In: Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Vol. II. Proceedings of ECMTB05 (Dresden, 18.-22. 7. 2005), Eds.: A. Deutsch, R. Bravo de la Parra, R. J. de Boer, O. Diekmann, P. Jagers, E. Kisdi, M. Kretzschmar, P. Lansky, H. Metz. Birkhäuser, Boston / Basel / Berlin 2008, 313-322. 2007 Winfried Kurth, Specification of morphological models with L-systems and Relational Growth Grammars. Image - Journal of Interdisciplinary Image Science, Vol. 5 / Special Issue (accepted). [pdf file, 1.6 MB] Winfried Kurth, Ole Kniemeyer, Branislav Sloboda, Forest structure, competition and plant-herbivore interaction modelled with Relational Growth Grammars. Journal of Forest Science (submitted). Günter Barczik, Winfried Kurth, From designing objects to designing processes: Algorithms as creativity enhancers. Predicting the Future. 25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5 (Frankfurt/M., Sept. 26-29, 2007), 887-894. Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Reinhard Hemmerling, Ole Kniemeyer, Benno Burema, Winfried Kurth, New rule-based modelling methods for radiation and object avoidance in virtual plant canopies. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation and Visualization, Beijing, November 13-17, 2006 (in press). Ole Kniemeyer, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Winfried Kurth, GroIMP as a platform for functional-structural modelling of plants. In: Functional-Structural Plant Modelling in Crop Production (eds.: J. Vos, L. F. M. Marcelis, P. H. B. deVisser, P. C. Struik, J. B. Evers). Proceedings of a workshop held in Wageningen (NL), 5.-8. 3. 2006. Springer, Berlin 2007, 43-52. Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Ole Kniemeyer, Winfried Kurth, A grammar-based model of barley including virtual breeding, genetic control and a hormonal metabolic network. In: Functional-Structural Plant Modelling in Crop Production (eds.: J. Vos, L. F. M. Marcelis, P. H. B. deVisser, P. C. Struik, J. B. Evers). Proceedings of a workshop held in Wageningen (NL), 5.-8. 3. 2006. Springer, Berlin 2007, 243-252. 2006 Winfried Kurth, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Ole Kniemeyer, Relationale Wachstumsgrammatiken: Ein Formalismus zur Spezifikation multiskalierter Struktur-Funktions-Modelle von Pflanzen. In: Modellierung pflanzlicher Systeme aus historischer und aktueller Sicht. Symposium zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eilhard Alfred Mitscherlich, Schriftenreihe des Landesamtes für Verbraucherschutz, Landwirtschaft und Flurneuordnung Brandenburg, Reihe Landwirtschaft, Band 7 (2006), S. 36-45. (in German) [pdf file, 530 KB] Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Ole Kniemeyer, Winfried Kurth, Physiologie und Morphologie der Pappel (Populus sp.) modelliert mit Relationalen Wachstumsgrammatiken. In: DVFFA Sektion Forstliche Biometrie und Informatik, 17. Tagung, Freiburg, 26.-28. 9. 2005 (Hg.: Uwe Wunn). Die Grüne Reihe (ISSN 1860-4064), S. 1-11. (in German) [pdf file, 230 KB] 2005 Winfried Kurth, Ole Kniemeyer, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Relational Growth Grammars - a graph rewriting approach to dynamical systems with a dynamical structure. In: J.-P. Banâtre, P. Fradet, J.-L. Giavitto, O. Michel (eds.), Unconventional Programming Paradigms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3566, Springer, Berlin 2005, 56-72. Gerhard H. Buck-Sorlin, Ole Kniemeyer, Winfried Kurth, Barley morphology, genetics and hormonal regulation of internode elongation modelled by a Relational Growth Grammar. New Phytologist, 166(3), 859-867. Armin L. Oppelt, Winfried Kurth, Georg Jentschke, Douglas L. Godbold, Contrasting rooting patterns of some arid-zone fruit tree species from Botswana. I. Fine root distribution. Agroforestry Systems, 64(1) (2005), 1-11. Armin L. Oppelt, Winfried Kurth, Douglas L. Godbold, Contrasting rooting patterns of some arid-zone fruit tree species from Botswana. II. Coarse root distribution. Agroforestry Systems, 64(1) (2005), 13-24. 2004 Ole Kniemeyer, Gerhard H. Buck-Sorlin, Winfried Kurth, A graph grammar approach to Artificial Life. Artificial Life, 10(4) (2004), 413-431. Ole Kniemeyer, Rule-based modelling with the XL/GroIMP software. In: Harald Schaub, Frank Detje, Ulrike Brüggemann (eds.), The Logic of Artificial Life. Proceedings of 6th GWAL, Bamberg 14.-16. 4. 2004, AKA Akademische Verlagsges. Berlin 2004, 56-65. [pdf file, 550 KB] 2003 Ole Kniemeyer, Gerhard H. Buck-Sorlin, Winfried Kurth, Representation of genotype and phenotype in a coherent framework based on extended L-systems. In: Wolfgang Banzhaf, Thomas Christaller, Peter Dittrich, Jan T. Kim, Jens Ziegler (eds.), Advances in Artificial Life. Proceedings of ECAL 2003, Dortmund 14.-17. 9. 2003, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2801, Springer, Berlin 2003, 625-634. [pdf file, 31 KB] (C) Springer-Verlag Helge Dzierzon, Jari Perttunen, Winfried Kurth, Risto Sievänen & Branislav Sloboda, Enhanced possibilities for analyzing tree structure as provided by an interface between different modelling systems. Silva Fennica, 37(1) (2003), 31-44. [pdf file, 644 KB] 2002 Winfried Kurth, Spezifikation der Simulation der Struktur und Dynamik von Pflanzenbeständen und Tierpopulationen mit sensitiven Wachstumsgrammatiken. In: Jochen Wittmann, Albrecht Gnauck (Hrsg.), Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Workshop Cottbus, 7.-8. 3. 2002. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2002, 37-51. (in German) [pdf file, 480 KB] Winfried Kurth, Spatial structure, sensitivity and communication in rule-based models. In: Franz Hölker (ed.), Scales, Hierarchies and Emergent Properties in Ecological Models. Reihe "Theorie in der Ökologie", Bd. 6. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 2002, 29-46. [gzipped Word 2000 document, 191 KB (unzipped: 255 KB)] Helge Dzierzon & Winfried Kurth, LIGNUM: A Finnish tree growth model and its interface to the French AMAPmod database. In: Franz Hölker (ed.), Scales, Hierarchies and Emergent Properties in Ecological Models. Reihe "Theorie in der Ökologie", Bd. 6. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 2002, 95-104. [gzipped Word 2000 document, 113 KB (unzipped: 172 KB)] 2001 Winfried Kurth & Branislav Sloboda, Sensitive growth grammars specifying models of forest structure, competition and plant-herbivore interaction. Proceedings of the IUFRO 4.11 Congress "Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Science", Greenwich, UK (25.-29. 6. 2001). [pdf file, 365 KB] Falk-Juri Knauft, Branislav Sloboda & Winfried Kurth, Modellintegration bei der Erzeugung virtueller Waldlandschaften. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung, 172, No. 8/9 (Aug./Sept. 2001), 161-168. (in German) Armin L. Oppelt, Winfried Kurth & Douglas L. Godbold, Topology, scaling relations and Leonardo's rule in root systems from African tree species. Tree Physiol., 21 (2001), 117-128. [gzipped pdf file, 224 KB (unzipped: 267 KB)] 2000 Armin L. Oppelt, Winfried Kurth, Helge Dzierzon, Georg Jentschke & Douglas L. Godbold, Structure and fractal dimensions of root systems of four co-occurring fruit tree species from Botswana. Ann. For. Sci., 57 (2000), 463-475. [gzipped pdf file, 134 KB (unzipped: 172 KB)] Winfried Kurth, Towards universality of growth grammars: Models of Bell, Pagès, and Takenaka revisited. Ann. For. Sci., 57 (2000), 543-554. [gzipped pdf file, 138 KB (unzipped: 177 KB)] Winfried Kurth, Spezifikation räumlicher Bestandes- und Populationsmodelle mit sensitiven Grammatiken. In: Saborowski, J. & Sloboda, B. (eds.), Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Sektion Forstl. Biometrie u. Informatik, 12. Tagung Göttingen 1999 / Herbstkolloquium der AG Ökologie der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Deutsche Region. Ljubljana, Biotechn. Fakultät (2000), 259-278. (in German) [gzipped Word 97 document, 419 KB (unzipped: 494 KB)] Winfried Kurth & Thomas Früh, Modelling crown structure of conifers: A stochastic growth grammar for the developing branching system of spruce. (submitted). 1999 Thomas Früh & Winfried Kurth, The hydraulic system of trees: Theoretical framework and numerical simulation. J. Theor. Biol., 201 (1999), 251-270. [gzipped Postscript file, 1.7 MB (unzipped: 4.5 MB)] Winfried Kurth & Branislav Sloboda, Tree and stand architecture and growth described by formal grammars. II. Sensitive trees and competition. J. Forest Sci., 45 (1999), 53-63. [Text (without figures): gzipped Postscript file, 85 KB (unzipped: 211 KB)] [Figures: gzipped Postscript file, 723 KB (unzipped: 4.82 MB)] Winfried Kurth & Branislav Sloboda, Tree and stand architecture and growth described by formal grammars. I. Non-sensitive trees. J. Forest Sci., 45 (1999), 16-30. [Text (without figures): gzipped Postscript file, 118 KB (unzipped: 296 KB)] [Figures: gzipped Postscript file, 4.1 MB (unzipped: 16.3 MB)] Winfried Kurth, Die Simulation der Baumarchitektur mit Wachstumsgrammatiken. Stochastische, sensitive L-Systeme als formale Basis für dynamische, morphologische Modelle der Verzweigungsstruktur von Gehölzen. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Göttingen; Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin 1999. 324p. (in German) Overview of contents (in German) [Online order from Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin] 1998 Winfried Kurth, Some new formalisms for modelling the interactions between plant architecture, competition and carbon allocation. Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, 52 (1998), 53-98. (includes an appendix which forms a supplement of the GROGRA manual, updating the documentation from v. 2.4 to v. 2.7) [gzipped Postscript file, 451 KB (unzipped: 9.39 MB)] 1997 Winfried Kurth & Gustavo A. Anzola Jürgenson, Triebwachstum und Verzweigung junger Fichten in Abhängigkeit von den beiden Einflussgrößen "Beschattung" und "Wuchsdichte": Datenaufbereitung und -analyse mit GROGRA. In: Pelz, D. (ed.), Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Sektion Forstl. Biometrie u. Informatik, 10. Tagung Freiburg i. Br. 1997, Ljubljana, Biotechn. Fakultät, 89-108. (in German) [gzipped Word 6.0 document, 190 KB (unzipped: 1.20 MB)] Winfried Kurth & Branislav Sloboda, Growth grammars simulating trees - an extension of L-systems incorporating local variables and sensitivity. Silva Fennica, 31 (1997), 285-295. [Text (without figures): gzipped Postscript file, 50 KB (unzipped: 123 KB)] [Figures: gzipped Postscript file, 217 KB (unzipped: 5.18 MB)] Winfried Kurth & Dirk Lanwert, Vom Walde komm’ ich her. Theoretische Modelle zur Simulation von Pflanzenwachstum. iX Multiuser-Multitasking-Magazin, No. 2 / 1997, 124-129. (in German) Winfried Kurth, Computersimulation von Baumarchitektur und -wachstum. Beiträge fuer Forstwirtschaft und Landschaftsökologie, 31 (1997), 22-26. (in German) [gzipped Word 6.0 document, 444 KB (unzipped: 4.70 MB)] 1996 Winfried Kurth & Michael Bredemeier, Modellkonzeption und -vernetzung am Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme (Göttingen). In: Mathes, K.; Breckling, B. & Ekschmitt, K. (eds.), Systemtheorie in der Ökologie, ecomed, Landsberg 1996, 67-72. (in German) [Word 6.0 document, 35 KB] Winfried Kurth, Elemente einer Regelsprache zur dreidimensionalen Modellierung des Triebwachstums von Laubbäumen. In: Hempel, G. (ed.), Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Sektion Forstl. Biometrie u. Informatik, 8. Tagung Tharandt / Grillenburg 1995, Ljubljana, Biotechn. Fakultät, 1996, p. 174-187. (in German) [gzipped Word 6.0 document, 249 KB (unzipped: 3.99 MB)] Winfried Kurth, Stochastic sensitive growth grammars: A basis for morphological models of tree growth. Naturalia Monspeliensia, h.s. (to appear). [gzipped Word 6.0 document, 306 KB (unzipped: 952 KB)] 1995 Winfried Kurth, Wachstumsgrammatiken für morphologische Pflanzenmodelle in einem Verbundvorhaben der Waldökosystemforschung. GMD-Studien, 271 (1995), 11-16. (in German) Winfried Kurth & Dirk Lanwert, Biometrische Grundlagen fuer ein dynamisches Architekturmodell der Fichte (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung, 166, No. 9 / 10 (Sept. / Okt. 1995), 177-184. (in German) Winfried Kurth & Dirk Lanwert, Über einige biometrische Erhebungen für ein dynamisches Einzelbaum-Architekturmodell der Fichte (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). In: Kotar, M., and Quednau, H.-D. (eds.), Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Sektion Forstl. Biometrie u. Informatik, 7. Tagung 1994, Ljubljana, Biotechn. Fakultät, 1995, p. 36-53. (in German) 1994 Winfried Kurth, Growth Grammar Interpreter GROGRA 2.4: A software tool for the 3-dimensional interpretation of stochastic, sensitive growth grammars in the context of plant modelling. Introduction and Reference Manual. 190 p. (This is the main GROGRA reference.) Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme der Universität Göttingen, Ser. B, Vol. 38 (1994). [gzipped Postscript file, 971 KB (unzipped: 10.54 MB)] Winfried Kurth, Morphological models of plant growth: Possibilities and ecological relevance. Ecological Modelling, 75 / 76 (1994), 299-308. Poster Jan-Anton Dérer, Ole Kniemeyer, Reinhard Hemmerling, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin & Winfried Kurth: Using the language XL for structural analysis. Poster on the "5th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Modelling" (FSPM07), Napier (New Zealand), 4.-9. 11. 2007. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: pdf file, 1.3 MB] Winfried Kurth, Erwin Roth, Thomas Mangoldt, Ole Kniemeyer & Gerhard Buck-Sorlin: Lehrstuhl Grafische Systeme. Poster auf dem Fakultätentag Informatik, Cottbus, 18.-19. 11. 2004. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: PowerPoint file, 1.5 MB] Winfried Kurth, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin & Ole Kniemeyer: Techniken der Informatik für Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). Poster zum Statusseminar "Virtual Crops" in Halle, 9.-10. 11. 2004. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: PowerPoint file, 4.6 MB] Sang-Il Kim, Steffen Amme, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Hans-Peter Mock & Winfried Kurth: The Oregon Wolfe Barley parental lines as a source for the study of nitrogen use efficiency in barley. I. Statistical analysis. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: PowerPoint file, 3.0 MB] Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Ole Kniemeyer & Winfried Kurth: Integrated grammar representation of genes, metabolites and morphology: The example of hordeomorphs. Poster on the "4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models" (FSPM04), Montpellier (France), 7.-11. 6. 2004. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: PowerPoint file, 393 KB] [size A3: pdf file, 960 KB] Thomas Mangoldt, Winfried Kurth, Alexander Bucksch, Peter Wernecke & Wulf Diepenbrock: A system for recording 3D information with applications in the measurement of plant structure. Poster on the "4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models" (FSPM04), Montpellier (France), 7.-11. 6. 2004. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: pdf file, 597 KB] Helge Dzierzon & Winfried Kurth: A grammar-based model for juvenile Scots pines as an aggregation of LIGNUM. Poster on the "4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models" (FSPM04), Montpellier (France), 7.-11. 6. 2004. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: pdf file, 1.3 MB] Winfried Kurth, Gustavo Anzola Jürgenson, Helge Dzierzon, Armin L. Oppelt & Michael Schulte: Digital reconstruction of tree architecture as a tool for assessing growth and functional performance. Poster on the EUROSILVA workshop "Development and Ageing in Forest Trees", Florence (Italy), 20.-24. 9. 2000. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A3: gzipped Postscript file, 1.5 MB (unzipped: 2.3 MB)] Armin Oppelt, Winfried Kurth & Douglas L. Godbold: Real and virtual root systems: Morphology, Leonardo's rule and L-systems. Poster on the Second International Symposium "Dynamics of Physiological Processes in Woody Roots", Nancy (France), 27.-30. 9. 1999. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: gzipped Postscript file, 1.2 MB (unzipped: 6.06 MB)] Armin Oppelt, Winfried Kurth, Douglas L. Godbold & Georg Jentschke: Root architecture of indigenous fruit tree species from Botswana. Poster on the "Second International Workshop on Functional-Structural Tree Models", INRA, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 12.-15. 10. 1998. [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: gzipped Postscript file, 3.1 MB (unzipped: 7.74 MB)] Ralf List, Frank Orth, Manfred Küppers, Risto Sievänen, Jari Perttunen & Winfried Kurth: Simulation of Scots pine using three different models. Poster on the "Second International Workshop on Functional-Structural Tree Models", INRA, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 12.-15. 10. 1998. Branislav Sloboda, Winfried Kurth & Thomas Früh: Morphologische Modelle des Baumwachstums. FZW-Statusseminar, Göttingen, 13.-14. 5. 1996; also presented on the Conference "Forest-Wood-Environment ‘97", Zvolen (Slovakia), 8. - 11. 9. 1997 (in German) [Poster, 1p., colour, size A0: gzipped Postscript file, 824 KB (unzipped: 2.69 MB)] Winfried Kurth, Thomas Früh & Dirk Lanwert: Computersimulation der Baummorphologie mit Wachstumsgrammatiken. Forstliche Hochschulwoche, Göttingen, 17. - 18. 10. 1995. (in German) Yuri Knyazikhin & Winfried Kurth: Modelisation of morphological development of forest canopies and radiative transfer. Poster on the TERN meeting "The whole is more than the sum of the parts", Munich, 21.-23. 3. 1994. |
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