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Department for Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth

Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology
at the
University of Göttingen



Winfried Kurth
Prof. Dr. rer. nat., senior researcher

Chair for Computer Graphics and Ecological Informatics

Mathematician, Computer Scientist,
research focus: Applications of formal languages in morphology and physiology, description of plant architecture and development, visual models of plants and other biological systems, grammar-based models of plant growth and interaction, evaluation of complex data, ecoinformatics, computer graphics, 3d data analysis, scientific visualisation.

New homepage: Winfried Kurth

Further information:

A former project (still relevant)


What I am teaching at the university (in German)

Archive: Website at the Chair for Practical Computer Science / Graphics Systems at the Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus (October 2001 - September 2008).


Further areas of interest:

Psychohistory / Psychohistorie

Children of war children / Kriegsenkel

e-mail:wk((at))informatik. uni-goettingen.de


Information about GROGRA and GroIMP

To the old Plant Modelling Group Homepage


Last modifications: January 14, 2016