Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology
Winfried Kurth
Prof. Dr. rer. nat., senior researcher
Chair for Computer Graphics and Ecological Informatics
Mathematician, Computer Scientist,
research focus: Applications of formal languages in morphology and physiology,
description of plant architecture
and development, visual models of plants and other biological systems,
grammar-based models of plant growth and
interaction, evaluation of complex data, ecoinformatics, computer graphics,
3d data analysis, scientific visualisation.
New homepage: Winfried Kurth
Further information:
A former project (still relevant)
What I am teaching at the university (in German)
Archive: Website at the Chair for Practical Computer Science / Graphics Systems at the Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus (October 2001 - September 2008).
Further areas of interest:
Psychohistory / Psychohistorie
Children of war children / Kriegsenkel
e-mail:wk((at))informatik. uni-goettingen.de
Information about GROGRA and GroIMP
To the old Plant Modelling Group Homepage
Last modifications: January 14, 2016