
Relational growth grammars as a basis for a multiscaled metabolic model of the structure of barley plants: New techniques from computer science for Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM)

In the preceding project, the formal model specification language of Relational Growth Grammars (RGG) was developed. RGG were made executable by the interactive software GroIMP (Growth Grammar Related Interactive Modelling Platform) and were demonstrated at first examples. Because the formalism and the software had first to be built and tested step by step, these examples were until now restricted to rather limited parts of reality. To prove the usability of RGG for biologically relevant functional-structural models of plants, their employment for a complex, multiscaled model is necessary: From the former research group "Virtual Crops", the Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) has data concerning the nitrogen metabolism of barley in its interplay with growth and architectural development (above- and belowground), which shall be used for parameterization and validation of such a model. The model shall be built in close cooperation with the Department for Molecular Cell Biology (Dr. H.-P. Mock) at the IPK, giving particular attention to a user-friendly design and to the use of the model as a means for knowledge organization and testing of hypotheses. - As a part of such a multiscaled model with genetic, metabolic and architectural components, the barley meristem shall be specified and dynamically modelled with 3-dimensional tissue types (aggregates of cells); in order to do this, the RGG formalism has still to be extended.
Some results of the preceding project are presented on the Grogra / GroIMP web site (which is not yet in its final state).
Have also a look at our poster (in German).

Cooperation partners:
Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben, Dr. G. Buck-Sorlin
IPK Gatersleben, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Dr. Hans-Peter Mock
University of Göttingen, Department of Forest Biometry and Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. B. Sloboda.

Start of project: December 15, 2005
Duration: 2 years (delayed by intermediate vacancies in project positions)
End of project: December 31, 2008
Funding: DFG
The preceding project was part of the DFG research group "Virtual Crops: Architectural and process-oriented modelling and visualisation of agricultural crop stands".
The project is led by Winfried Kurth.

Final report (in German)

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