Prof. Dr. Winfried Kurth
Chair for Ecological Informatics and Computer Graphics

Section Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth
University of Göttingen
Büsgenweg 4, 37077 Göttingen

room 0.116

Tel. +49-551-39-9715

E-mail wk(at)

Functional-Structural Plant Models
Module in the M.Sc. course on Forest and Ecosystem Sciences

Lectures with exercises
Summer semester 2022 (in total 4 semester hours per week, 6 credits)

Lectures (2 s.h.p.w.) every Thursday, 14:15 - 16:00, room CIP I (Büsgenweg 4).

Registration in StudIP is mandatory!

Start: 21 April, 2022.

No lecture on 9 June.

Additional dates:
Lectures on photosynthesis (K. Kasper): Tuesday, 31 May, and 7 June, 10:00 a.m. (s.t.) - 11:30 a.m., FSR 2.4
Measurements in the greenhouse: Friday, 10 June, and 17 June, 09:15 a.m. - 12:00 a.m., Büsgenweg 2.


Term paper (written thesis),
to be submitted until 15 September, 2022, 12 a.m.

German version of the script

Literature and web resources

Example files for the course:

e01: Triangle

e02: Koch curve / triangle

e03: Model Schoute

e04: Two blocks of rules

e05: Model Attims

e06: Opposite configuration of branches

e07: Koch curve, coloured

e07a: Transferring colour information

e08: Koch curve with module

e21: Lateral branches


e20: Arrays

e22: For-loop

e11: Conditions (1)

e12: Conditions (2)

e13: Two conditions

e19: Stochastic L-system

e23: Dispersal (1 species)

e24: Dispersal (2 species)

e14: Left context

e15: Right context

e10: Leaf texture

e27: L-system vs. SPO rule


e32: Sequential and parallel mode

e25: Update rule (1)

e16: Update rule (2) / extension

e17: Update rule with texture

e18: Naming of nodes

e26: Access to attributes

e28: Query (1), transitive closure

e29: Query (2), ancestor

e30: Query (3), reversed edges

e31: Query (4), empty operator

e35: Query (5), instanceof operator

e36: Query (6), if/else on the right-hand side

e33: Pipe Model (sequential mode)

e34: Pipe Model (with minDescendants)

Example of an empirically obtained dtd file (spruce tree)

dtd file jb0: Example of a beech tree (without leaves)

dtd file ejc_b: Example of an oak tree (with leaves)

Auxiliary file for beech leaves in Grogra

Numbers 1-10

Odd square numbers

Fibonacci numbers (array)

A function


Example spruce tree


Poplar tree


e41: Model of transport process

e42: Model with shadow cone

e43: Instantiation rules


Plant model, step 1: Basic version

Plant model, step 2: Restriction of branching order

Plant model, step 3: with phyllochrone

Plant model, step 4: Flowers, organ textures

Plant model, step 5: with light model

Plant model, step 6: with growth of leaves; chart for light absorption

Plant model, step 7: with extension growth of internodes; measuring radiation on the soil

Plant model, step 8: with simple photosynthesis

Plant model, step 9: improved photosynthesis, transport of assimilates

Plant model, step 10: with global time counter and leaf shedding


Description of the dtd data format
Description of the dtd data format (German version)
List of Turtle commands in XL (still in German only)
Overview about the syntax of the language XL
Overview about the syntax of the language XL (German version)
Installer for GroIMP 1.6 for Windows (64 bit version) - Download

Learning modules associated with the lecture (eLearning):
See StudIP of the University of Göttingen

Last modifications:  26 April, 2022.