Lectures and exercises "Computer Science and Mathematics"

W. Kurth

Summer term 2024, Tuesday and Wednesday, 14:15-16:00 h


Outline of the syllabus and estimated time schedule


9./10. 4.

Fundamental mathematical concepts

and Linear Algebra (vectors, linear mappings,


16./17. 4.

23./24. 4.

  30. 4.

7./8. 5.

14./15. 5.

Basic calculus:

Sequences, limits, limit of a function,

differentiation, partial derivatives, extreme values,


21./22. 5.

28./29. 5.

4./5. 6.

11./12. 6.

Basics in computer science: Introduction, number systems, representation of information, bits, bytes, measurement of information

18./19. 6.

Databases, geographical information systems; the World Wide Web

25./26. 6.

Foundations of programming (1)

  2./3. 7.

Foundations of programming (2)

9./10. 7.

Introduction to rule-based simulation


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