Lectures and exercises "Computer Science and Mathematics"

W. Kurth / I. Kuzyakova / A. Tavkhelidze

Summer term 2018


Outline of the syllabus and estimated time schedule



25 and 27 April, 2018


Basics in Computer Science:

Introduction, number systems, representation of information, bits, bytes, measurement of information, databases, geographical information systems, the World Wide Web, foundations of programming, introduction to rule-based simulation


2 May - 5 June, 2018


Basics in set theory and linear algebra:

Notations from logic and set theory, relations, graph theory, functions, number sets, powers, roots, logarithms, intervals, vectors, linear combinations, linear independencs, inner product of vectors, norm, angle, cross product, linear transformations, matrices, rank of a vector system / of a matrix, determinants, systems of linear equations, matrix product, inverse matrix, Leslie matrix of a population, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, stochastic matrices, attractors of age class dynamics of populations


6 June - 10 July, 2018


Basic calculus:

Sequences, limits, limit of a function, differentiation, partial derivatives, extreme values, integration




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